Learning Solution

Our Learning Solution

As the foundation of value-creating cycles in cultivating the endowments responsibly with the Triple Bottom-line principle, we help individuals and organizations learn effectively to develop them toward developing high-performing business leaders in the following foundational competencies:

  1. Business Acumen
    Understanding the complete end-to-end model of your value creation.
  2. Leadership 5.0
    Everyone in your organization has the capacity to lead, contribute, and choose responsibility as co-creators in shaping your organization and your world.
  3. Execution Excellence
    Execution is about realization, turning ideas into excellent results.

Learning is one of the defining aspects of our lives. Through learning that involves our intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual dimensions, we can change who we are and what we can do.

NuPMK’s aim in learning is to encourage and support learners to actualize and grow their potential.

Our learning approach is to immerse them in the subject learned to gain meaningful and impactful insights.

Business Acumen Competency

If you are in a value-creating business, whether it is for-profit or not-for-profit, you need to understand the complete end-to-end model of your value creation.

Business acumen is about understanding how your business creates value. It is about understanding the complete end-to-end system of your value creation. This understanding will help you see how your work contributes to the bottom line, build your organizational alignment, foster engagement, and many more.

Business acumen competency is behavioral and encompasses multidisciplinary knowledge and skills, e.g., finance, people, marketing, production, risk. Developing business acumen competency, therefore, takes more than mere information transfer activities. It needs doing the business experience.

Business acumen competency is critical for everyone in an organization.

NuPMK's learning program for developing business acumen competency begins with immersing a learner in an experiential mode.

Using business simulations, a team of learners is seated as management executives, responsible for running and growing a corporation in a competitive market. After the immersion event, the participants continue their learning with asynchronous activities.

To harness the business acumen competency, we suggest to work on strengthening the following two areas in an organization.


Leadership begins with self-accountability. When self-accountability exists at every level, leadership will be active and shared which drives your organization to be most dynamic, engaged, and productive.

Leadership is a foundational competency for everyone in the organization.


Many create plans but are unable to execute properly to deliver the intended results. Execution is a discipline. It is about realization, turning ideas into excellent results.

You will need a framework and methodology to deliver the intended value whilst orchestrating “People, Resources, and Technology”.

You will need to work on both technical and people sides of the business.